Candle care

Take care of your candles and they will take care of you!

Just like us, our candles may have some imperfections, this is because our candles are hand made with a whole lot of love.

While each candle is individual in the way it burns, we recommend following the below tips to get the best out of your candle. 

First Burn

  • Light your candle in a well ventilated space and away from any objects that can catch fire.
  • Burn for at least 2 hours to ensure that the 'melt pool' covers the entire top layer of the candle.
  • Ensure the candle is within eyesight and monitor regularly.
  • Remember to blow out the candle when you leave the room.

Ongoing Use

  • When the candle isn't burning, keep it away from direct sunlight and any nearby heat.
  • To get a clean burn, we recommend to trim the wick to 1cm from the surface of the wax. 
  • We also recommend to not burn for longer than 3 hours at a time.
  • Keep your candle away from kids and pets.


  • If your candle has some lumpy tops after its first burn, that's completely normal and a sign that we're using 100% pure soy.
  • If your candle has some specks of crystals forming on the surface, not to worry, it's natural and doesn't affect the way the candle burns or smells.